Sunday, January 11, 2009

Fit and Friendless

How many of us have started a new fitness program, or cleaned up our diet only to have our friends express their displeasure?

"That much water isn't even good for you."

or the infamous

"Why are you dieting?  You're not even fat!"

When you hear that, don't you just want to scream, "IT'S NOT A DIET, IT'S CALLED EATING HEALTHY!!  AND YOUR BODY NEEDS AT LEAST 64 oz  OF WATER A DAY!"

Well, if you haven't, I sure have!  When people ask me why I workout, with the implication that "hey, you don't need to lose weight" my blood tends to boil.  It's a pet peeve of mine.  On the one hand it's nice to know the person thinks I look good but HELLO?!? just because I workout regularly doesn't mean I'm trying to lose weight.  Ok, yeah, I'd like to lose a few more pounds, but the main reason I workout 6 days a week is because it's HEALTHY!  Working out makes me feel good; it gives me energy; it relieves stress, and it's necessary to live a fit and healthy life.  Everyone, whether they want to lose weight or not, ought to workout in some form at least 5 to 6 days a week.

A lot of people that I coach, especially those in their teens and 20s, encounter a lot of resistance from their friends when they get on a health kick, or start exercising and eating healthy.  One friend of mine, who I happen to coach, actually had someone mock her because she was drinking water!  She didn't know what to make of the strange reactions of her friends.  Her experience inspired me to write this blog.

Why do my friends pick on me for trying to be healthy?  Often, when this happens, the "friends" are feeling insecure about their own bodies or health.   They see you drinking water and look at the soda in their hands and feel guilty that they aren't taking care of their bodies.  When someone picks on you for just having a sliver of cake at a party generally has a HUGE slice on his or her plate.  They are picking on YOU because THEY want to justify their bad habits.  These friends may not even realize what they're doing.  Another possibility is that your friends are afraid they will "lose" you.  This is especially true if you and your friends used to bond over all-night pig out sessions and now you'd rather go to the gym and do some Pilates.

How can I strengthen my friendships while I strengthen my body?: First, you need to assure your friends that they are still important to you.  But remember, actions speak louder than words.  Thank them for their support.  Invite them to do something active with you.  Instead of gossiping over ice cream, take a nice long walk and chat your way through the miles.  Love your yoga teacher?  Tell your friends how much fun it is and invite them along!  Or, better yet, let them pick the activity.

Unfortunately, you may find that there are one or two friends you drift apart from;  however, you getting in shape can become the catalyst that helps your friends get fit too!  Plus, your new healthy lifestyle will likely introduce you to new friends, too.  Just remember, you're getting fit for you, not for them.  Don't let them prevent you from reaching your goals.  Remember always, everyone is worth the time it takes to get fit and healthy!

You friend in health and fitness,

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